Support   Feature Requests

Topic Replies Activity
About the Feature Requests category 1 27 May 2020
Broadcast intents 3 16 July 2024
iOS Version fürs iPhone 21 15 July 2024
More Gear Category Menus for Foiling Disciplines 2 17 June 2024
Erweiterung um Gattung Segeln 2 17 June 2024
Kiteboard Länge und Breite 2 10 June 2024
Downwind Foiling 2 11 March 2024
Trim start and end of session 3 11 March 2024
Manually trim/split sessions 4 2 March 2024
Set planing speed 7 28 January 2024
Improved statistics 2 28 January 2024
Flight distance stats 2 27 January 2024
Will Version 2 allow individual sessions from WindsportTracker? 3 5 January 2024
Erweiterung um eine Spotliste | Auswertung nach Spots 2 7 July 2023
Additional drop downs for other wingfoil gear 5 9 May 2023
Great app. Would love a Wear OS version 2 13 April 2023
Allow text in fin 'length' 2 21 January 2023
Smartwatch Wear os 7 18 January 2023
Improvements for wave sports 3 11 January 2023
Would be great to have a playback option 2 24 June 2022
Telemetriedaten Anzeigen als Tacho 5 1 September 2021
Polardiagramm für Rennanalyse anpassen 2 19 April 2021
Suggestion speed statistic 2 8 December 2020
Contribution model 2 24 November 2020
How to remove spikes from a gpxx track 2 26 October 2020
Einstellung auf Session Screen 2 20 October 2020
Buggy kite et autres sports de plage 2 8 September 2020
Manual input for planing 8 19 August 2020
Import/sync from Strava 2 19 August 2020
Statistik Gleitstrecken 3 13 July 2020