Will Version 2 allow individual sessions from WindsportTracker?

In version 2 it would be great if one could export individual GPX/SBP sessions.

I use an android tablet as my ‘base’ windsport tracker which contains years worth of windsurfing data. When I want to back up the tracker database it takes a long time to export all the GPX/SBP files to a different storage medium. It would be excellent to only have to export the most recently entered (ie not already backed up) sessions.


@bartontb In the current version, you are already able to save single sessions:

  1. open a single session
  2. tap the 3 menu-dots in the upper right-hand corner
  3. Choose “exportieren in gpx & sbp Dateien”

@Thomas Thank you! This makes sense, not sure why I didn’t notice it …